How is distance determined between the galaxies?
Posted by - NA - on 24 February 2008 04:13 PM
Galaxies are set up in columns of 10, with each group of 10 to the right of the next higher set.
So you could make a list of galaxies like:

A00 A10 A20 A30 A40 A50
A01 A11 A21 A31 A41 A51
A02 A12 A22 A32 A42 A52
A03 A13 A23 A33 A43 A53
A04 A14 A24 A34 A44 A54
A05 A15 A25 A35 A45 A55
A06 A16 A26 A36 A46 A56
A07 A17 A27 A37 A47 A57
A08 A18 A28 A38 A48 A58
A09 A19 A29 A39 A49 A59

Distance within a galaxy column is 200 per galaxy. So going from A09 to A08 is a distance of 200, from A09 to A07 is 400, etc.

However, when leaving one galaxy column to another, a 2000 "column change" is also applied for leaving the one column for the next, but the 200 for moving from the last galaxy in the one column to the next galaxy is not applied. Also, the 2000 galaxy column change is applied only once, so it does not make a difference if you are going from A00 to A10, or from A00 to A20, the 2000 distance galaxy column change is only applied once. So the distance from A00 to A10, or A20, or A30, and so on, will always be 3800 distance.

When moving between galaxy columns, the following rules apply:

When moving UP a galaxy column, the column change occurs at the Ax9 galaxies, and when moving DOWN a galaxy column, the Ax0 galaxies are used.

Example for moving down: The distance between A17 to A00 is 5200. From A17 to A10 would be 7x200 distance, then the 2000 galaxy column change, then A09 to A00 would be another 9x200 distance.

Example for moving up: The distance between A03 to A25 is 4200.

From A03 to A09 is 6x200, then the 2000 galaxy column change, then A20 to A25 would add another 5x200.

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