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Knowledgebase : Abuse
"It is prohibited to load any sites of Astro Empires with any other programs than web browsers. As is forbidden to use tools that simulate or replace the web interface. The same applies to scripts that load or read site pages (making actions or collecting...
To report an offensive game message, please click on "Report", next to "Reply" and "Block Player", and a game operator will process it as soon as possible. Important: Only report a message if it contains pornographic, xenophobic, offensive and any othe...
To report a player's or guild's profile for offensive content click on that player or guild and then select the option "Report this player profile" or "Report guild profile". There you can select which parts of the profile are offensive (including titles,...
While your account is suspended it functions as any other account (can be attacked, receives income, etc), you just can't login to it until the suspension expires.
It's possible for a player to make successive attacks very quickly by refreshing the combat page, doesn't mean that player is using any script or doing anything illegal.
Help Desk Software by Kayako case